29 July 2017

New Electrical Service Entrance

If you read my post about the new roof you know all about my service entrance fiasco.  Well, now I have a new one that I installed.  This is a 200 amp panel with solar ready capability.  Provo city was just going to cut my power so I had now choice.  But it needed to be done anyway so I am glad it is done now.

I don't have any paid electrical experience as of now, but I have been doing a lot of reading and watching of videos about electrical work for a couple of years now.  This is the solution I came up with.  I know it is overkill.  This is called throwing money at it.  However, I will never have to rip off Sheetrock to add another circuit in the future.  

I also ran power out to my tool shed.  I have been wanting to do that for years and years but I have never known how.  Now I know how.  I put in some new can lights in my living room.  I ripped out all of the remaining aluminum wiring in my attic.  Now everything on my house is on a grounded circuit.  Not one circuit, of course.

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