14 January 2021

Little house in the prairie.

 There is a local farmer out here who hired me to frame his house.  After I framed it he wanted me to shingle it.  

I started in Mid August 2020 and finished shingling in Mid Jan 2021.  I had very little help.  The only way I could do this almost all by myself is because he had a man-lift that he let me use.


We left to AZ back in 2019.  We came back in March 2020 and I have been going like a mad man ever since.  I got the addition framed and the exterior done.  Then I got hired to frame a guys house here in Simla.  Below are the pictures.

I tore off the old roof and put up new rafters.

Here is how the addition turned out.  I framed it all myself, installed the windows.  Shingled it, and painted it.  I had to make my own wood scaffolding because the addition in the back is 2 story.